Greg from West Michigan Park Flyers has invited KRAM and other local clubs to their first "WMPF Appreciation Fun Fly" on March 15th from 6-11pm at WMAA. Admission is free and he has several fun events planned from spot landing and limbo to balloon cut combat. Fun and prizes will ensue, so be sure to come out and join in the fun! Click the image to download the flyer.
Event Recap
KRAM & WMAA have joined forces to bring some inexpensive flying fun to your winter! Join us on any of the dates below from 9am-1pm in the gymnasium of West Michigan Aviation Academy, located on the grounds of the GRR airport. If its lightweight, electric and flies...bring it!
Dates: 11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 1/18, 2/8, 2/22, 3/15 - 9am to 1pm
Pilots fee: $5 - (Free to spectate). **All proceeds goto the WMAA R/C club!**
Food and vendors, including West Michigan Park Flyers, may be available.
Download the flyer
It’s Cold Out There! Join Us @ WMAA For Some ...
With Mark being out of commission from surgery for a little while, our build nights will be relocating to Hobby Worlds' basement. The basement is open every Tuesday night for anyone from the club to work on their projects. We will be sharing the space with whatever West Michigan club members are there, but there should be enough table space for us. I'm going to continue planning this every other week, until I get enough requests to do it every week. If you're one of those people, let me know.
Build Night – Feb 15th
KRAM is happy to announce that we will be present on the lot of Mel Trotter Ministries during the 28th st Metro Cruise on August 28th from 10am-4pm. Come out and enjoy the food and fun of some beautiful classic cars and a spread of great R/C aircraft. We will also have a small area designated for flying micro and possibly small park flyer aircraft!
KRAM announces R/C display at the 28th st Metro Cruise
KRAM is announcing our first annual giant scale fly-in, dubbed 'Sunset Salute'! Come and join us for a spectacular evening of big bird flying on one of the premier flying sites in Western Michigan. The event will take place on Wednesday July 14th, 2010 starting around 4pm. All mono planes with a 80" wingspan or greater, and biplanes 60" or greater are welcome to join the flightline. An entry fee of $5 will pay for a fantastic evening of flying and food. Registration is requested so we can plan for food. If you would like to attend, complete and mail the registration form on the PDF at the end of this page, or email your name, AMA # and # of planes you'll be bringing to
Keep appraised of details and changes via our event calendar here.
KRAM announces 1st annual ‘Sunset Salute’ giant scale fly-in
KRAM announces its' 36th annual Swap Shop coming to you this October 24th, 2010. Over 100 tables of bargains make this an event you don't want to miss! Along with door prizes, someone will win a beautiful Top Flite AT-6 Texan with a Super Tiger G-61. Reserve your table today! Click read more to view and download the flier.