Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Schmaltz at 7:00 pm. 

Twenty five members and one guest (Jim Korringh who is getting back into the hobby and looking for a club to join) were present. 

Minutes from the February, 2010 meeting were motioned for approval without change by Lee Frederickson and seconded by Al Natali.  Motion carried. 

The financial status report was presented by Dan McLaren.  The report was motioned for acceptance by Ken Nanzer and seconded by Lee Lubbers.  Discussion followed concerning the non availability of the encumbered funds and the club intent to keep the CD as “emergency funds” and not be spent for ongoing operations.  Motion carried. 

Meeting Minutes – March 2nd 2010

Money Market$2000.57
Total Cash on Hand$9706.93
Encumbered Funds$4884.50
Net Cash Available$2008.17

*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – March 2010

Our club was featured in this months' AMA Model Aviation Distrct 7 report! Our successful first TAG event was mentioned, as well as the club improvement money we were awarded that allowed us to build our shelter. Thanks to Mr. Oberdieck for the writeup and to Mr. Osborn for sending in the info & pictures! Full-size article available for download at the bottom of this page.

Model Aviation Article

KRAM featured in March 2010 Model Aviation District 7 report

Meeting was called to order on time, one guest, my chauffer as I am still recovering from some minor surgery.

Once again, many thanks to the Osborn’s for putting on a great winter banquet. It was nice to meet & talk with our District 7 VP Bill Oberdieck & his wife Joany. We have our event calendar filled in for the year. June is a busy month! We did our best not to conflict with other events in the area so we can attend some that we otherwise would have missed.

We are going to have a couple of low key "fun flys" this year, once again run by Dan Osborn. I almost have my replacement plane done after the last fun fly. (My fault)

We are looking into ways to reduce our field maintenance cost,s as Dan McLaren has pointed out, it is our biggest expense. Any new ideas would be welcomed.

We had a birthday at the meeting, Robert Williams. His actual age was a matter of discussion begun by Ed Fowler. I believe we settled on 71.

Happy Birthday Bob!

It’s been kinda mild out there lately, lots of flying still going on by the "Winter Crew". Wheels, skis or floats are working well at this time, so get your stuff out there!

Keep Your Wings Level,

Mark Schmaltz

Presidents Corner – February 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Schmaltz at 7:00 PM 

Sixteen members, one chauffeur (Mark’s wife since he can not yet drive after surgery), and no guests were present. 

Minutes from the January, 2010 meeting were motioned for approval without change by Nikolei Zinsli and seconded by Lee Lubbers.  Motion carried. 

The financial status report was presented by Dan McLaren.  The report can be viewed by registered club members on the web site.  The report was motioned for approval without questions by Lee Lubbers and seconded by Ron Ricketson.  Motion carried. 

Meeting Minutes – February 2nd 2010

We had our annual winter banquet on Saturday, Jan. 30th. It was held at Brann's on S. Division as was last year. We had a great turnout, pretty much filled the room. This year we had 2 special guests; Bill Oberdieck & his wife Joany made the trip from the Detroit area. Bill is our AMA District 7 VP. He was there for a presentation to our guest of honor, Larry Brannan. Larry is our outgoing AMA area VP after many years of fine service. Larry is a KRAM member as well. Lee Frederickson will be succeeding Larry in area VP duties. It was a great evening of good food & good friends.

KRAM Winter Banquet