Over half a dozen people braved the unseasonable no-skis-required, but windy enough to fly backwards New Years Day tradition. Temps were around 30°, with 20+mph winds, gusting to 35. Danny was first up in his bipe, which took about 3 feet to get airborne. His slow passes sometimes went farther backwards than forwards! Nik was next up with his new Stryker. It penetrated the wind with ease and downwind passes were a blur! Ed Bradley attempted to fly his drainpipe & corrugated plastic plane, only to tumble wingtip over wingtip on takeoff 5x farther than it flew! By then, Dan McLaren got a fire started in the barrel under the protection of our shed. Coffee and sloppy joes by Roz by the fire warmed everyone up. John & Jase Dussia showed up shortly after and flew their 50cc Yak. They traded off the transmitter to each other as their fingers began to freeze, but still put on a good show!
Meeting Minutes
Well here we are at the end of another great year for KRAM.
We had our elections at the last meeting and I would like to welcome George Orphan, Dave Pierce & Ben Lopez to the executive board. For the returning members, Jim Peterson, Eddie Francisco, Nikolei Zinsli & Dan Mclaren, great have you back. A special thanks to past board members Dan Osborn, Jim Hiest & Bernie DesPress for a job well done.
Presidents Corner – December 2010
Checking | $7,166.51 | ||
Money Market | $2,001.48 | ||
CD | $2,825.37 | ||
Total Cash on Hand | $11,993.36 | ||
Less | |||
Encumbered Funds | $3,130.50 | ||
CD | $2,825.37 | ||
Net Cash Available | $6,037.49 | ||
Membership @ Nov.30 | 122 | Renewals 12/6 | 40 |
Regular | 104 | 35 | |
Associate | 5 | 0 | |
Lifetime | 5 | 5 | |
Junior | 8 | 0 |
*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.
Club Financials – December 2010
Call to order at 7:00 pm by Club President Mark Schmaltz.
Note number of members present: 19
No guests at this meeting.
Minutes – no corrections, changes.
Motion to approve by: Nik Zinsli
Seconded by: Lee Frederickson
Vote: carries
Meeting Minutes – December 7th 2010
Checking | $6,765.01 |
Money Market | $2,001.40 |
CD | $2,825.27 |
Total Cash on Hand | $11,591.68 |
Less | |
Encumbered Funds | $4,366.50 |
CD | $2,825.27 |
Net Cash Available | $4,399.91 |
Membership | 122 |
Regular | 104 |
Associate | 5 |
Lifetime | 5 |
Junior | 8 |
*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.
Club Financials – November 2010
The meeting was called to order by President Mark Schmaltz at 6:59 pm
Number of members present: 21
No guests or visitors were present.
Mark called for a motion to approve the minutes from the October meeting. The motion was made by Nik Zinsli and seconded by Lee Frederickson. No corrections or changes were offered and the vote carried.
Meeting Minutes – November 2nd 2010
Hi all,
It's that time of year again, time to elect our 2011 officers. Looks like we have all the positions covered. voting will be at the December meeting. We have only one person per office, nothing is contested. Therefore, we will just have a show of hands to accept or reject the nominees rather than a ballot system. We have done this before, seems as though that's how I got to be vice pres if my memory serves me correctly.
Presidents Corner – November 2010
Checking | $3,281.51 |
Money Market | $2,001.32 |
CD | $2,825.18 |
Total Cash on Hand | $8,108.01 |
Less | |
Encumbered Funds | $5,154.50 |
CD | $2,825.18 |
Net Cash Available | $128.33 |
Membership | 118 |
Regular | 100 |
Associate | 5 |
Lifetime | 5 |
Junior | 8 |
*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.
Club Financials – October 2010
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mark Schmaltz
Number of members present: 24
Guests present: Tom Coleman
Carl DeBruine
Minutes: The minutes for the September meeting were motioned for approval without change by Dick Cowan and seconded by Nik Zinsli. Motion approved.
The Financial Status was presented by Dan McLaren. The report was motioned for acceptance by Nik Zinsli and seconded by Al Natali. Motion carried without discussion.