Meeting Minutes

Are you passionate about model aviation? Do you share AMA's belief that unnecessary and
onerous Federal regulation will diminish this viable and meaningful recreational activity?
If your answer is, YES, then...
Go to as soon as you can. There you'll find:

• Background on what FAA intends to impose on aeromodeling.
• Understand the difference between commercial and recreational sUAS.
• What you can do to help.
• Resources to help you contact your Representatives and Senators in Congress.
• How to contact AMA's Advocacy Team.
• Donate to our cause to defend your right to fly model aircraft without government oversight.

Now is the time to let your voice be heard!

Your Help is Needed! Support AMA’s Efforts to Protect Model ...

Money Market$2,011.56
Total Cash on Hand$10,097.53
Encumbered Funds$1,043.00
Net Cash Available$6,229.07
Membership @ Nov.30
122 Renewals 1/28
Regular104 79
Associate5 2
Lifetime5 5
Junior8 2

Donations of deposits to date: $789.00
Fourteen members from 2010 are known to be leaving the club in 2011.

*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – February 2011

The club build night moved its' way to the basment of Hobby World this round and was welcomed by West Michigan RC. Several WM members were there through the evening working on miscellaneous projects, but only a few KRAM showed up this time. Nik did an engine swap on his GP 40 Ultimate, putting on a Saito 82. That should rip the wings off nicely! Jared and his grandfather brought in a nice pattern plane with a YS engine and pipe they got from an auction for $75. It looked in pretty good shape and just needed a little TLC! Butch wants everyone to know that anyone is welcome down there any Tuesday night to work on their projects or ask questions.

Our next build night would be on March 1st, but that is meeting stay tuned for details when plans get nailed down! As always, if you have any comments or suggestions about future Build Nights, please let us know!

Build Night News

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Vice President George Orphan.

There were 15 members present.

No guests were present.

The Minutes of the January meeting were approved without change.
Motion to approve by: Danny Osborn
Seconded by: Lee Lubbers
Vote: carries

Financial Report: Presented by Dan McLaren. Ed Buck asked if we ever add to the CD. The answer is no, not in recent years. Lee Lubbers pointed out that with interest rates so low there is no "penalty" to take the money out. Dan pointed out that by having money in a separate account, it is easier not to spend it on normal operational activity. It is there for emergency purposes.
Motion to accept by: Ed Buck
Seconded by: Danny Osborn
Vote: Carries

Meeting Minutes – February 8th 2011

With Mark being out of commission from surgery for a little while, our build nights will be relocating to Hobby Worlds' basement. The basement is open every Tuesday night for anyone from the club to work on their projects. We will be sharing the space with whatever West Michigan club members are there, but there should be enough table space for us. I'm going to continue planning this every other week, until I get enough requests to do it every week. If you're one of those people, let me know.

Build Night – Feb 15th

Well, we had our first build night & it was a great success!

Had about 8 folks show up & a good time was had by all.

Jim Korringa brought his glider wing with internal rib damage. He & Lee Lubbers did a great job repairing it all the way to covering it. Dave Pierce brought his Bucker Jungmeister in-progress fusalage with a small issue that can be resolved with a little bit of work. George Orphan brought his Uproar 40 & we set all the throws & such. Nik brought his F-15 to make some modifications from the plans. Allen Simpson & Ed Buck provided comic relief through the evening.

It was great to have everybody here, hope to do it again.

Pics & video of Nikolei flying my Blade MSr.


First KRAM Build Night

Come one come all to our first build night! Here's the who what when where why...

WHO: Well, you...of course!
WHAT: KRAM Build Night
WHEN: Wednesday, January 12th @ 6pm
WHERE: Mark Schmaltzs' garage
              1205 JANE ELLEN DR
              Lowell, MI 49311
WHY: Why, to build of course! And learn, and teach, and socialize, and...?

1st KRAM Build Night Planned

Money Market$2,011.56
Total Cash on Hand$10,104.53
Encumbered Funds$1,907.50
Net Cash Available$5,371.57
Membership @ Nov.30
122 Renewals 12/6
Regular104 61
Associate5 0
Lifetime5 5
Junior8 3

*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – January 2011

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mark Schmaltz

Mark noted that Floyd Atkins was laminating AMA cards in the back of the room.

Note number of members present:   19
No guests were present at this meeting.

No corrections, changes, or discussion of December Minutes took place.
Motion to approve by:  Lee Frederickson
        Seconded by:  Danny Osborn
        Vote: carried  

Meeting Minutes – January 4th 2011