Meeting Minutes

Blade mCP X Main Rotor Head Voluntary Recall Bulletin

Attention Blade mCP X Owners

Horizon Hobby is recalling the Main Rotor Head of the Blade mCP X ultra micro collective pitch helicopter.

Horizon Product Support has received some reports from customers of Main Blade Grips and Main Rotor Blades releasing from the Main Rotor Head. The released Main Rotor Blades have the potential to strike and injure nearby persons.

Horizon Product Development has updated the Main Rotor Head assembly and is offering the updated assembly free of charge to consumers. Please inspect your Main Blade Grips. If your helicopter does not have a “B” molded into the Main Blade Grips, cease use of your current Main Rotor Head immediately and complete the Blade mCP X Main Rotor Head Replacement Request form linked below. 

Upon receiving your request, an updated head assembly will be sent to you free of charge (as supplies become available) along with prepaid packaging to send your original Main Rotor Head to Horizon at no cost.

  • Click HERE to complete the Blade mCP X Main Rotor Head Replacement Request form.
  • Horizon will pay for ground shipping within the United States and Canada.
  • Consumers outside the US and Canada should contact their local retailer or distributor, which may be found HERE .
  • If you have any questions, you can call Horizon Hobby Product Support at 877-504-0233.

Click HERE to see instructions on how to install your blade grips

We apologize for this inconvenience. Horizon disclaims all liability and warranties for any consumer failing to act upon this product bulletin.

Click HERE to see the CSPC recall information

Blade mCP X Recall

Money Market$2,011.81
Total Cash on Hand$10,072.21
Encumbered Funds$125.00
Net Cash Available$7,117.44
Membership @ 4/30

*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – May 2011

Called to order at   7:00 pm by President Mark Schmaltz             

One guest present – Parnell Hess

Members present  19

Review of the Minutes of the April meeting
        Motion to approve by:  Nix Zinsli
        Seconded by:      Allen Simpson
        Vote:  carried               

Financial Report:  Presented by Dan McLaren.  
        Motion to accept by:  Allen Simpson 
        Seconded by:  Dave Pierce
        Vote: carried

Meeting Minutes – May 3rd 2011


Hi all,
This month’s letter is actually going to have a theme, something new for me.
Some of you may already know that we have recently lost our social director For the time being, Dan McClaren, Dave Pierce and I will be splitting the social director duties. This position is open for a volunteer. If you are interested in this position, please review the duties in the bylaws so there no questions about the responsibilities of the position. As of Thursday, may 5, Ed Fowler has accepted the position of field maintenance officer recently vacated by Eddie Francisco. Eddie has done a great job for many years & we appreciate his efforts.

Ok, on to the theme.
This club has been around for many years, the exact date is a matter of question, but that has no bearing on the subject. When I joined this club 6 years ago I was a new wide-eyed guy trying to figure out how to keep that infernal thing in the air. The club at that time was, for the most part, being run by the founding members and they were doing a great job as far as I was concerned. I was made to feel welcome and was taught unselfishly by many of the long-time members. In the years that followed, I felt compelled to join in on the day-to-day matters of the club by becoming an officer and was welcomed by the members.

It has been, so far, very enjoyable followed by challenges and personal rewards.
As time goes by, life, business and the whole world must change and evolve, if you will, to keep up with the times. This brings me to the topic of change.

As I mentioned before, the club has been run very well for many years by some of the senior members. As great a job as they did, I feel it is time for some of us younger members to step up, take some officer positions and carry the torch that has been handed to us. This club has a great history of fun flying and great fellowship, it’s time to continue that tradition. What I am getting to is I am asking all members to take a good look at this club and ask yourself. “Where do I want to see this club in the future”? If you feel you have something to contribute, consider being an officer. We have enough positions that the work load is spread out and being an officer is not as difficult or time consuming as some might think. As an officer, you also have a great support network in your fellow officers. For me, it has been, in the long run very rewarding to serve the membership of this club.
So, I ask you, do you want to be a part of the evolution of this fine club? We would love to have you aboard, it’s a great ride.

Keep your wings level,


Presidents Corner – May 2011

Hi all,

Well here we are at the beginning of another great flying season. Now if the weather would just cooperate, we might just be able to get in some stick time!
We had another great winter banquet, thanks again to Roz & Dan Osborn. Our first event this season will be our annual TAG event, May 21. Please contact Ben Lopez if you can help out, he will also have a sign up sheet at the May meeting. Also, we will be doing another static display at the K-Zoo Air Zoo, once again spearheaded by Nikolei Zinsli. May 28, setup around 7 am. Contact Nik for further info.

This promises to be an interesting year for us as the landowners are going to be expanding their operation by constructing several barns & buildings around the field. At this time we do not foresee any interference with our field. They are also planning on paving the road, most likely in a year or two. After our meeting with the owners, I am very excited about the future of our flying field.

At the club banquet I made a request to the membership to contact their legislators about the FAA regulations currently being rewritten. The R/C aspect has been removed from any restrictions. The AMA has said we don’t need to be sending off letters to Washington as they were inundated by more than 80,000 letters!

As of the writing of this, the field has been rolled & marked off for the new dimensions. 2 more things left to do, field will be closed all day on Monday the 25th & sprayed. I also need to get started on my fence repair project. Will have that done as soon as the weather backs off a little.
That’s about all I have for now, hope to see as many of you as I can out at the field.

Keep your wings level,

Presidents Corner – April 2011

Money Market$2,011.81
Total Cash on Hand$9,987.43
Encumbered Funds$125.00
Net Cash Available$7,032.66
Membership @ Nov.30
122 Renewals 3/31
Regular104 83
Associate5 1
Lifetime5 5
Junior8 5

*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – April 2011

Called to order at 7:00 pm by President Mark Schmaltz             

Members present   25

Review of the Minutes of the April meeting – no corrections or changes requested.
        Motion to approve by: Dave Kingma                       
        Seconded by:  Dick Cowan     
        Vote:  Carried                     

Financial Report:  Presented by Dan McLaren.  No questions or comments made.            
Membership was reported at a total of 94 which is 28 less than last year.
        Motion to accept by:  Lee Frederickson 
        Seconded by:  Dick Cowan
        Vote: Carried

Meeting Minutes – April 12th 2011

Money Market$2,011.73
Total Cash on Hand$10,260.80
Encumbered Funds$869.00
Net Cash Available$6,566.24
Membership @ Nov.30
122 Renewals 2/26
Regular104 81
Associate5 2
Lifetime5 5
Junior8 5

Donations of deposits to date: $789.00
Fourteen members from 2010 are known to be leaving the club in 2011.

*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – March 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Mark Schmaltz 

There were 15 members present. 

Mark’s wife was a guest as Mark is not yet able to drive after knee surgery. 

The Minutes of the February meeting were accepted as written.

Motion to approve by: Lee Frederickson
Seconded by:  George Orphan
Vote:    carried 

Financial Report:  Presented by Dan McLaren.
Motion to accept by:  Nik Zinsli
Seconded by:  Dave Pierce
Vote: carried 

Meeting Minutes – March 1st 2011