Meeting Minutes


Hi all! Sorry for the tardiness of the monthly memos, I've been on vacation since the 16th and forgot to send something out. Our last club meeting was another non-meeting meeting, lacking only 2 people for a quarem. I'll be sending along some discussion notes from Dan soon. Our flying season is underway and the yearly event schedule has begun! The club has a handful of things for the upcoming month of May.

At the club meeting on May 1st, we will continue our discussion on a couple field rules regarding taxiing to/from the pits. If you have any thoughts on this, please bring them to the meeting! Some lucky fellow won a bottle of CA last month, who knows what's in the magic box this round! And don't forget to bring something to show off...we've had some very nice models brought in the last couple months! Thanks to everyone who brought something to show.

Prez Sez – April 2012

Money Market$2,166.09
Total Cash on Hand$10,095.83
Encumbered Funds
Net Cash Available$7,265.43
2012 Membership @ 3/1/12

*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – March 2012

It feels a bit odd that spring may already be upon us, especially since it doesn't feel like we had a real winter...but far be it for me to complain about a longer flying season! Too bad my winter build list made very little progress.

As the new flying season arrives, I think it's a good time to remind everyone about being safe at the field. This of course, has been a large discussion topic the last few months with the suggested revision of field rule C, concerning pilots standing at the flight stations. While the revised text that Dan brought to the meeting was ultra-specific, it left little question as to where you should be located when flying. But as Lee mentioned, enforcement would not be possible. One thing that was not mentioned however, is that the field rules are there not only for your safety, but as backup when a members' actions become a problem. I still believe the rule should be slightly modified to prevent this from happening again, but that's for another time. There is one rule, that you won't find on the field rule sheet, that everyone should obey without question...common sense. We aren't your babysitters, and I'm pretty sure that Ed doesn't want to be out there slapping your wrists with a ruler because you're 8" too far from the flight station, so become your own safety officer and routinely ask yourself "Am I flying safely?" and let your common sense dictate. Beyond that, please talk to a club officer before making up your own rules.

On a lighter note, I'm not usually the type to forward random things to my email list...but I suggest you and your wives watch this for a good chuckle.

I tried to convince Erin to run around the yard for me, but no such luck...

Keep your altitude positive and your wings level,

Prez Sez – March 2012

Minutes of the March 6, 2012 Meeting

Called to order at 7:00pm by President Nikolei Zinsli             

Members present: 17

No guests present. 

Review of the Minutes of the February meeting resulted in no additions, deletions, or changes. 
    Motion to approve by:  Allen Simpson
    Seconded by:      Ed Buck   

Meeting Minutes – March 6th 2012

Well the new year is well under-way and I don't think any of us have had to fly with skis yet! Quite an odd winter we're having so far. The first 'official' KRAM meeting of 2012 was a little over a week ago and if you missed it, well...better not miss the next one! The yearly club events have been penciled in, here's a summary:
- TAG training day - May 23
- Memorial Fly-In - June 16
- Club picnic - July 21
- Veterans Fly-In - Sept 8
- Swap Shop - Oct 28

Prez Sez – February 2012

Money Market$2,166.03
Total Cash on Hand$9,659.02
Encumbered Funds
Net Cash Available$6,828.70
2012 Membership @ 2/3/12

*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – February 2012

Money Market$2,165.96
Total Cash on Hand$9,959.90
Encumbered Funds$125.00
Net Cash Available$7,004.74
Membership @ 9/30
2012 Membership @ 11/31

Memo: Bills to pay in December...

  1. Field Rent - $2251.00
  2. Barn Rent - $300.00
  3. Xmas Baskets - $225.00
  4. TOTAL - $2776.00


*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.

Club Financials – December 2011

Called to order at 7:00pm by President Mark Schmaltz             

Members present: 20

Acknowledge any guests present:  none

Review of the Minutes of the October meeting revealed no additions or corrections.
        Motion to approve by: Lee Frederickson
        Seconded by:      Danny Osborn
        Vote: carried                

Financial Report:  Presented by Dan McLaren showing the club in much better shape than a year ago.  Membership renewal is moving slowly with 28 members renewed as of November 30.  Club Members logged into the Web site can view the details of the financial statement.
        Motion to accept by:    Dave Pierce 
        Seconded by:  Jim Heist
        Vote: Carried

Outgoing President Mark Schmaltz commented that he has enjoyed the last two years as President of the club and will entertain doing it again in the future when life is not so hectic.  He also thanked all the officers that helped make the last year a success and for stepping up and running for office for the 2012 calendar year.

Meeting Minutes – December 6th 2011