I will be pushing this week’s mowing back to Friday a.m., aiming for 8:00 – 11:00 am. The field should be open for flying by 10 a.m. Friday. (or earlier if someone happens to assist on the John Deere riding mower) Thursday flyers you are cleared for take-off!
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Mowing for Longest Day @ 11:45 AM on Friday. Come on out to give me a hand. THANKS!!!! Jeff Streit
Mowing Friday 11:45 AM 6-21-2024
Mowing of the infield approaches, 50′ of outfield and parking area took place two days ago, the north 2/3 of the outfield will be mowed tomorrow fairly early morning (Sunday June 16) before the heat climbs. NOTE: I will be at Flite Fest this week so no mowing is scheduled till I return, likely the next mowing will be a week from tomorrow Sunday June 23rd. The GENERATOR surging issue has been addressed. It might return though. I would like state the policy for the club generator. 1) The club does NOT purchase the gas for the generator. 2) The […]
Mowing and Generator Fuel Policy
Based on tomorrow’s hourly weather forecast, I will hold off mowing till 2pm as winds from 2-6pm are not very R/C friendly. And rain at 2am-3am is predicted, the grass would be sort of wet to mow in the a.m. So you dawn patrollers, have at it I won’t be interrupting flying till 2pm. B
June 6 mowing – 2 to 6pm
Due to the weather forecast, we will have our June 4th Meeting at West Michigan Aviation Academy @ 7pm. Jeff Streit
June 4th Meeting
KRAM RC Club honors our members who have passed away (veterans and non-vets) with this annual fly-in. The public is invited out to watch and honor our past members with us. Please bring your warbirds to fly. Pulled Pork will be served for lunch. AMA Cards Required. Starts 9:00 AM KRAM Field – 8001 Wingier – Alto, MI 49302 Contact Jeff Streit 616-287-5710
KENT RADIO AEROMODELERS, INC Meeting Minutes: May 7, 2024 Call to order at 7:01 pm by Vice President Gary Stephens Members present 13 Guest present: 0 Review of the Minutes from April 2024 Minutes unavailable, not published yet.Motion to approve: N/A Second: N/A Financial Report: Presented by Dan McLaren.Motions to approve: Jim Grant Second: Dave Hills – Passed Old Business: KRAM Memorial Vets Picnic:June 1st: Arrive @ 8 am to set up canopies and tables. Pull out the grill and set up. Jeff Providing Pulled Pork, Mac N Cheese, BBQ baked beans, coleslaw, Hamburgers, Hot dogs, Buns, BBQ […]
May 7, 2024, Meeting Minutes
Once again this week the weather on Wednesday night wasn’t conducive to flying, so I jumped the gun again and mowed all but some of the parking area. One of these weeks I’ll actually mow only on Thursday. I will be mowing the remaining parking area Thursday morning, but feel free to fly while I mow.. assuming you can follow the rules and keep the plane north of the flight line 🙂 Hopefully the wind will subside overnight, great for flying online this evening where it really blew a lot of grass clippings in my face/eyes.
Fly Thursday anytime
Last nite I was the only flyer, so I decided to get a head start on today’s mowing, ended up cutting all but the north half of the outfield. Thursday flyers, you are cleared for take off.. send em! I’ll finish off that north outfield in a day or two when nobody is there.