Call to order at 7:04 pm by President Jeff Streit
Ten members were present with no guests.
Minutes from the November meeting were mentioned. Since they were sent out the day after the meeting, a number of members thought they did not get them. Sorry for being so prompt… Jeff made the motion to approve with Jim Herron seconding. Motion carried.
Dan McLaren presented the financials for November. No discussion. Jim Grant motioned to accept and Gary Stephens seconded. Motion carried.
Gary Stephens noted that he was going to make numerous changes to the Swap Shop flier. We all supported Gary’s proposed changes. The 2025 Swap Shop is planned for October 19, 2025.
Jim Herron reported the wind socks were taken down for the winter and all fall chores had been taken care of. He is now officially done with the maintenance activity. We all thanked Jim for all his mowing and other tasks he did for the club in 2024. Thanks again Jim!
Mike Murphy – Safety- Always have a fire extinguisher handy in the shop! Mike told the story that he had just cleaned and swept his shop and then proceeded to refill a butane powered soldering iron. Once he got it filled he tested it and dropped it. Poof – the floor all around him lit up! Remember, that butane is heavier than air so it falls to the floor, thus all the dover flow ended up at his feet. Luckly no damage was done but reinforces the lesson to have a fire extinguisher handy!
Chris Mroch reported in absentia that all systems are up to date and functioning.
Since there were no other members wishing to run for club officer, Dan McLaren made the motion that nominations be closed. Allen Simpson seconded the motion and it carried.
Allen Simpson then made the motion since all candidates were unopposed that we approve the slate as read. Gary Stephens seconded the motion and the vote carried.
President Jeff Streit
Vice President Gary Stephens
Assistant VP Jim Grant
Secretary / Treasurer Dan McLaren
Safety Officer Mike Murphy
Maintenance Officer Bob Irish
Social director unfilled
Web Master Chris Mroch
Jeff displayed a P51 he had 3D printed. The detail is very good and the airframe is very lite! Should fly in the spring!
Dan McLaren made a motion that we present our landlords with a nice fruit basket again this year. There was unanimous approval. Dan to take care of before Christmas.
Our next meeting is January 7, 2025 at the school at 7:00pm. Best wishes to all for a happy holiday season and healthy 2025!
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan McLaren
KRAM Secretary