Call to order at 7:02pm by president Jeff Streit
Eleven members present, no guests
Review of the minutes of the October meeting. No changes requested. Motion to approve by Gary Stephens and seconded by Chuck Putney. Motion carried.
The financial report was presented by Dan McLaren. No questions. Motion to accept by Jim Grant and seconded by Chris Mroch. Motion carried.
Gary Stephens reported the Swap Shop was a success. $1418 net profit. It was suggested we remove West Michigan Fliers from our flyer since they have not been active for the last two years. Likewise, explore adding Woodland and West Michigan Aviation Academy to the flyer in 2025.
Gary had a big thank you to all members who helped out at the event – “we could not have done it without you!”
(I want to give a big thank you to Gary and Jim Herron for their donations to the event!)
Jeff is still trying to arrange to give the raffle plane to the winner.
We need to think about the next raffle plane for 2025. P47 and Aero Scout were mentioned
Jim Herron gave a maintenance Director Report. Mowing is complete for the year, and he is retiring! He thanked Bob Irish and Dan McLaren for doing repair to the flight line fence. Jim will not be cutting the grass next summer.
Mike Murphy – Safety Director was absent due to voting involvement.
Chris Mroch – Website. Reported that the hosting is paid for the next three years ($573.47) and he has donated the domain name cost for 2025. Thanks Chris!
New Business: Events for 2025
January 1 – Frozen Fly-In
May ? field work day
May ? school rocket day
June 21 Memorial Fly-In
August 23 Picnic / pot luck
September 6 poker fun fly
October 18 Swap Shop
Proposed calendar motioned by Chuck Putney and seconded by Danny Osborn / carried
Club fun flys with competition suggested. Taxi contest, sky bowling, don’t spill the beans, pilon contest. First time fliers. With prize money. RSVP required. More discussion to follow…
Nominations for 2025 Club Officers
President Jeff Streit
Vice President Gary Stephens
Assistant VP Jim Grant
Secretary / Treasurer Dan McLaren
Safety Officer Mike Murphy
Maintenance Officer Bob Irish
Social Director
Web Master Chris Mroch
If anyone else wants to run for any position, let me know. Vote will be at the December meeting.
Danny Osborn has announced that he can no longer run the flight training program. Any volunteers?
Combat events will not be continued at the KRAM field unless someone else, other than Jim Herron, cares to host the events for 2025.
Dues for 2025: Dan McLaren proposed that dues remain the same for 2025. Adult = $75 Associate = $50 and Youth (other than Aviation Academy students) $25. Motion by Gary Stephens with second by Chris Mroch. Approved
Show and Tell:
Chuck Putney brought in an E Flight Ultra Stick UMX three channel. Goes for $149 and would be good for indoor…
Jeff made a motion to adjourn at 8:10. Jim Grant seconded the motion and it carried.
Next meeting is December 3, 2024 at West Michigan Aviation Academy.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan McLaren
KRAM Secretary