I'm happy to announce that one of our very own members, Mike Grady, placed 3rd again in Team Scale this year at Top Gun! Congrats Mike!!
"The event at Top Gun 2014 was Team Scale. Team normally means one person builds the aircraft and another fly's it in the competition. Dustin Buscher from BVM models is my pilot. The MiG-15 also won third in Team last year. For 2014 I corrected all of the 2013 judges criticisms from last year and made an additional 40 plus scale enhancements. This year heavy rains reduced the flying for team and three other events to only one flight. Last year the MiG and my pilot scored very well in four rounds of flight scores which allowed us to win third. This year we hoping for better static and flying numbers but had to go with only one flight. Our total score was 188.750."