We have decided to do a club build over the winter this year. Our objective is twofold: First, to build an advanced trainer for club use. Second, to get our members comfortable with building a kit, rather just arf's. Kit building seems to be becoming a lost art, one that we need tro keep going. We chose a Carl Goldberg Tiger 2 .60 kit, generously donated by Rider's Hobby Shop of Grand Rapids.
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Minutes of the March 5, 2013 Meeting
Called to order at 7:03 pm by President Nikolei Zinsli
Members present: 17
Guests present: Mike and Roger Heileman, Jack Vanden Bosch
Review of the Minutes of the February meeting produced no additions, deletions, or changes.
Motion to approve by: George Orphan
Seconded by: Ed Buck
Vote: carried
Financial Report presented by Dan McLaren produced no questions.
Motion to accept by: Jim Heist
Seconded by: Allen Simpson
Vote: carried
No New Members were added this month. Current membership stands at 53 regular, 4 lifetime, 2 associate, and 4 junior for a total of 63 members.
Meeting Minutes – March 5th 2013
Checking | $6,113.84 |
Money Market | $2,166.80 |
CD | $2,831.24 |
Total Cash on Hand | $11,111.24 |
Less | |
Encumbered Funds | $75.00 |
CD | $2,831.24 |
Net Cash Available | $8,205.64 |
2013 Membership @ 3/1/13 | 63 |
Regular | 53 |
Associate | 2 |
Lifetime | 4 |
Junior | 4 |
*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.
Club Financials – March 2013
Greg from West Michigan Park Flyers has invited KRAM and other local clubs to their first "WMPF Appreciation Fun Fly" on March 15th from 6-11pm at WMAA. Admission is free and he has several fun events planned from spot landing and limbo to balloon cut combat. Fun and prizes will ensue, so be sure to come out and join in the fun! Click the image to download the flyer.