Minutes of the October 2, 2012 Meeting
Called to order at 7:04 pm by President Nikolei Zinsli
Members present: 27
Guests present were: Fred Heileman, Mr.& Mrs. Van Heulen
Review of the Minutes of the September meeting had two corrections noted by Dan McLaren: 1) Mike Murphy’s granddaughter was 8 months (not weeks) old when taking her first airplane ride and 2) the milking barn open house times were wrong.
Motion to approve by: Allen Simpson
Seconded by: Dave Pierce
Vote: carried
Financial Report given by Dan McLaren generated no questions or comments. Current total membership is 79 of which 66 are regular, 4 lifetime, 4 associate, and 5 junior.
Motion to accept by: Danny Osborn
Seconded by: Allen Simpson
Vote: carried
Mark Schmaltz was absent so Dan McLaren gave a brief report out on the Veterans Fly In of September 8. It appeared the Vets enjoyed the day. There were 81 people present at lunch time, including the Vets and their care givers. We had about 20 visiting pilots, most of them from the West Michigan club. Food donations were $95, the 50 / 50 generated $21 and the raffle plane generated $63 profit and a big smile from the young boy who won it! Total cost of the day was $128 and all that attended appeared to enjoy the day.
Dave Pierce reported the Swap Shop of Oct. 28 is going well with 61 of the 85 table reservations bought and paid for as of the meeting. Dave asked for help with set up between 7:00 and 8:00 am and then assisting vendors set up between 8:00 and 9:00 am and then some help admitting folks between 9:00 and 1:00. Just sign up when you get there…
Nik noted the location change – all future indoor meetings will be held at the West Michigan Aviation Academy. Nik introduced George Pavey of WMAA who welcomed us to the facility and hoped we would enjoy the relationship and facility in the future. He hopes the RC club they are establishing at the school will provide an enjoyment for the kids before school ( 8:00 to 9:00 am Tuesday and Thursday) and out at the flying field in the spring as the kids learn to build and fly RC aircraft. KRAM members are being invited to teach and mentor these students during the one hour club meetings on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. (See Nik’s email about the kick off meeting at 8:00 am on 10/16/12)
The school currently has 245 students with about 20% girls. The gym and other facilities are just being completed and all will be operational by the end of the month. During the winter there will be times scheduled for indoor flying in the gym.
Lee Frederickson discussed the perceived need for electricity at the flying field. His solution is a small generator that he offered to sell to the club that could be installed somewhere next spring that could supply electricity. Mike Murphy noted that everyone has their own chargers so the only thing we would want to provide is the power and let people attach their own chargers to the outlet. Mike made the motion to buy the generator and converter from Lee for $75 to be installed next spring. Dan McLaren seconded the motion. Motion carried
Nominations for officers for 2013 were made and consisted of the following:
President Nikolei Zinsli
Vice president Dave Pierce
Assistant Vice President George Orphan
Secretary-Treasurer Dan McLaren
Director I – Safety Officer Ed Bradley
Director 2 – Field Maintenance Officer Ed Fowler Mark Shaughnessy
Director 3 – Social Director
Director 4 – Web master Nikolei Zinsli
As you can see, we are in need of a social director. Please come to the November meeting ready to step up and fill the open position. Likewise, anyone wanting to add their name to the list of candidates should come prepared to do so as the nominations will be closed at the end of the meeting. By law we need to have three director slots filled with people other than officers.
Review of Dues for 2013 – Dan McLaren proposed maintaining the current dues structure for 2013. This was approved by the membership so the club dues remain $75 for regular members, $50 for associate members, and $0 for Junior membership.
Dan McLaren requested that a “Club Member Renewal” form be approved and submitted with dues payments. This form, much like a club application form, will allow for an ongoing annual update of the members important information. Without such a form there is no way to maintain updated addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. This request was approved by the membership and will be sent out with 2013 Dues letters.
George Orphan showed a number of pictures he had gathered over the years – a 1950 4 engine flying wing, a 1947 6 engine flying wing, and a display of jet armaments…
Jarret Heileman showed off his Focus 2 pattern ship with an OS Max 120 that he got from Mark Schmaltz and loves flying!
Nik showed off the latest West Michigan Park Flyer MX2. This is an 8 – 9 oz. foamy that is great indoors. (Note – Greg of WMPF will have a table at the swap shop so bring your bucks…)
50/50 for October of $14 won by Jim Grant who kindly donated it to the club.
October attendance winner was Sean Van Heulen
The sale of Hal Stratton’s donated flying and building stuff generated $356. The balance of the donated items will be for sale at the Swap Shop.
Next meeting: Nov. 6, 2012 at 7:00pm at West Michigan Aviation Academy
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 with a tour of the facility following.
Motion by: Lee Frederickson
Seconded by: Allen Simpson
Respectfully submitted
Dan McLaren
Secretary / Treasurer