Greetings pilots!
With the Veterans Fly-In completed, another year of successful flying events is completed at KRAM. Great weather, a bus full of vets, 20+ pilots, over 60 aircraft and over 100 people fed made for a great day at the KRAM field. A big thank-you to everyone that came and helped with setup and other volunteer positions needed throughout the day; you are all appreciated! During lunch, we had everyone roll their planes to the middle of the runway and opened it to visitors. This went very well and I think it was impressive to see planes stretched from one end of the runway to the other! We may have to make this a new fly-in tradition at KRAM. Did you attend this or any of the other KRAM fly-ins? If so, we'd like to hear your comments and suggestions! How did we do? What can we improve? How do we attract more pilots and visitors?
Have you been saving your change in a jar? I hope it's full, because our annual swap shop is drawing close! Oct 28th will be coming up fast, so call Dave Pierce quick to reserve your table! And, if you're in contact with anyone from other local clubs, please spread the word. Our flyer can be found on the events page of the website. You'll also notice our ad in Model Aviation for September and October. Your raffle tickets for the P-47 will be in the mail shortly.
Speaking of our website, I'd like to remind our new members (and those that haven't done it yet), to register an account. An account on the KRAM site will enable you to see the monthly financial reports, post pictures in our galleries, and post in our forums. Once you register, be sure to send me an email with your name & email address so I can change your access rights on the site! In addition to the website, we have a public group on facebook. I encourage anyone with a FB account to join our group and help me make it a bit more active! Post to us when you're going out flying, or your build progress, or some videos! Check us out here -
I'm very happy to report that KRAM and West Michigan Aviation Academy are joining forces! Several of you have already lent them spare planes to hang in their classrooms (they still want more if you have one to spare!), and have met George Pavey, a new instructor at WMAA. He has been working with the club officers in order to help get a r/c club established at their school. In return, WMAA will be the future host of our winter meetings and even some indoor flying once their gymnasium is finished! We're also planning on doing a club demo for the students in their new gym this fall, so get those foamies and micros ready. The demo should help attract a lot of attention for both their WMAA club and ours! I'll email more details when it's closer, but plan on driving to the airport instead of the High School. Thanks George and WMAA for connecting with us!
Until then...
Keep your wings level and altitude positive,