Called to order at 7:00pm by President Nikolei Zinsli
Members present 22 plus Jarret
Guests present were Fred and Roger Heileman and Philip Shea
Review of the Minutes of the March meeting
Motion to approve by: Mark Schmaltz
Seconded by: Ed Buck
Vote: Carried
Financial Report presented by Dan McLaren with no questions or comments.
Motion to accept by: George Orphan
Seconded by: Floyd Atkins
Vote: Carried
New Member: Philip Shea was voted into the club. Phil flew when he was younger but then got married, had children, etc. so is now getting back into the hobby. Welcome!
Monthly Archives: May 2012
Checking | $4,537.27 |
Money Market | $2,166.22 |
CD | $2,830.58 |
Total Cash on Hand | $9,534.07 |
Less | |
Encumbered Funds | |
CD | $2,830.58 |
Net Cash Available | $6,703.49 |
2012 Membership @ 4/30/12 | 69 |
Regular | 57 |
Associate | 3 |
Lifetime | 5 |
Junior | 4 |
*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.
Club Financials – May 2012
Greetings members!
We had an excellent turnout at the last club meeting and nearly ran out of chairs! It was great to see ya'll along with the nice models that were brought for show and tell. Keep them coming, we all love seeing your new creations! A big welcome to our newest member, Philip Shea. If you see him around, say hello and introduce yourself.
A field maintenance day is scheduled for TOMORROW, the 12th at 10am. The main goal is fence repair. We also need to check the PA setup and make sure everything else is ready for the flying season. If you're available, please come out and lend a hand. The sooner we get done, the sooner we can enjoy the nice weather in the sky. In the event of rain, we'll do it Sunday morning instead.
Our first yearly event is very close, TAG day on May 19th. Setup should be easy-peasy with a couple simulators, generator and a grill. If you have a trainer you don't mind lending, we may need it depending on turnout. Also remember to bring some other models to show and fly for the public during demo-time. Please keep in mind that open flying should be suspended during this event, unless there is a low turnout, or during lunch/demo times. Bring a stack of your old magazines to pass out to the public. I regretfully won't be there as I'll be getting my feet wet in precision flight at an IMAC seminar & practice session near Detroit. So any questions or issues during the event should be directed to an officer at the field.