Well the new year is well under-way and I don't think any of us have had to fly with skis yet! Quite an odd winter we're having so far. The first 'official' KRAM meeting of 2012 was a little over a week ago and if you missed it, well...better not miss the next one! The yearly club events have been penciled in, here's a summary:
- TAG training day - May 23
- Memorial Fly-In - June 16
- Club picnic - July 21
- Veterans Fly-In - Sept 8
- Swap Shop - Oct 28
Daily Archives: February 19, 2012
Checking | $4,662.67 |
Money Market | $2,166.03 |
CD | $2,830.32 |
Total Cash on Hand | $9,659.02 |
Less | |
Encumbered Funds | |
CD | $2,830.32 |
Net Cash Available | $6,828.70 |
2012 Membership @ 2/3/12 | 58 |
Regular | 52 |
Associate | 0 |
Lifetime | 5 |
Junior | 1 |
*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.
Club Financials – February 2012
Minutes of the February 6, 2012 Meeting
Called to order at 7:00pm by President Nikolei Zinsli
Members present: 24
Guest present: Corey Fingleton applying for membership
Review of the Minutes of the December meeting
Motion to approve by: Danny Osborn
Seconded by: Ed Buck