Hi all,
Well here we are at the beginning of another great flying season. Now if the weather would just cooperate, we might just be able to get in some stick time!
We had another great winter banquet, thanks again to Roz & Dan Osborn. Our first event this season will be our annual TAG event, May 21. Please contact Ben Lopez if you can help out, he will also have a sign up sheet at the May meeting. Also, we will be doing another static display at the K-Zoo Air Zoo, once again spearheaded by Nikolei Zinsli. May 28, setup around 7 am. Contact Nik for further info.
This promises to be an interesting year for us as the landowners are going to be expanding their operation by constructing several barns & buildings around the field. At this time we do not foresee any interference with our field. They are also planning on paving the road, most likely in a year or two. After our meeting with the owners, I am very excited about the future of our flying field.
At the club banquet I made a request to the membership to contact their legislators about the FAA regulations currently being rewritten. The R/C aspect has been removed from any restrictions. The AMA has said we don’t need to be sending off letters to Washington as they were inundated by more than 80,000 letters!
As of the writing of this, the field has been rolled & marked off for the new dimensions. 2 more things left to do, field will be closed all day on Monday the 25th & sprayed. I also need to get started on my fence repair project. Will have that done as soon as the weather backs off a little.
That’s about all I have for now, hope to see as many of you as I can out at the field.
Keep your wings level,
Monthly Archives: April 2011
Checking | $5,145.85 | ||
Money Market | $2,011.81 | ||
CD | $2,829.77 | ||
Total Cash on Hand | $9,987.43 | ||
Less | |||
Encumbered Funds | $125.00 | ||
CD | $2,829.77 | ||
Net Cash Available | $7,032.66 | ||
Membership @ Nov.30 | 122 | Renewals 3/31 | 94 |
Regular | 104 | 83 | |
Associate | 5 | 1 | |
Lifetime | 5 | 5 | |
Junior | 8 | 5 |
*Note: This page is only viewable by KRAM members and therefore should not be discussed publicly on the forum or elsewhere.
Club Financials – April 2011
Called to order at 7:00 pm by President Mark Schmaltz
Members present 25
Review of the Minutes of the April meeting – no corrections or changes requested.
Motion to approve by: Dave Kingma
Seconded by: Dick Cowan
Vote: Carried
Financial Report: Presented by Dan McLaren. No questions or comments made.
Membership was reported at a total of 94 which is 28 less than last year.
Motion to accept by: Lee Frederickson
Seconded by: Dick Cowan
Vote: Carried